Reports on work-related psychosocial risk factors and mental health in the agriculture and construction sectors

Period: June 2023 – May 2024

Funding institution: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

Client: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Link: eports on work-related psycho-social risk factors and mental health in the agriculture and construction sectors

Amount: 96.850 Euro

Short description: The need to tackle work-related psychosocial issues including work-related stress, violence, harassment and mental health, has been highlighted in recent key EU and national policies and strategies. Research suggests important differences in the exposure to work-related stressors for different

occupational groups, which can partly be explained by sector differences in task related factors such as workloads and, deadlines or levels of control and rewards. Additionally, some psychosocial risk factors are specific to the nature of the sectors. This project focuses on providing an overview of psychosocial risks for mental health and strategies for its mitigation and prevention in the construction and agriculture sectors, where these issues have been traditionally overlooked as compared to other sectors. The overall aim of the contract to be awarded is to provide an overview of the topic of psychosocial risks at work and mental health in the two selected occupational sectors, construction and agriculture, and how to manage them, focusing on sector specificities. The specific objectives of this project are:

  1. To increase knowledge, to raise awareness and to improve access to information related to work-related psychosocial risk factors and mental health in the construction and in the agriculture sectors.
  2. To provide an overview of the prevalence of psychosocial risk factors and mental health issues of workers in the construction and in the agriculture sectors respectively, identifying risks particular to the sector and considering vulnerable subgroups of workers.
  3. To present existing recommendations and examples for each sector of good practices/interventions (particularly at company level) for addressing psychosocial risks and mental health at work, including a summary of EU social partners views on the topic of psychosocial risks/mental health and their OSH management, gathered with a limited number of short, semi-structured interviews conducted in each sector.

WISE role: Wise Angle is the lead tenderer, coordinates the study management, literature review, identification and analysis of good practices, and final report writing, including the critical discussion of findings and elaboration of policy recommendations. The study is conducted in collaboration with

VVA – Valdani Vicari & Associati and KU Leuven (Department of Public Health and Primary Care).